Living yoga in a military wife's life

Finding peace in chaos

Moving: the biggest challenge this yogi has faced

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I think I may have practiced yoga for the last time for awhile at least. Floor space is quickly disappearing in our small PMQ (military home). Every moment I am faced with a new challenge:

little to no room to cook and clean in the kitchen

Spatulas/ladles/pots and pans are now in boxes or bags which means fishing them out for each meal.

Boxes upon boxes of things in our house.

Laundry growing by the second even though I swear I made a dent in it the other day.

Learning to find order where there seems to be no order is quickly become very difficult. Learning to take things in stride and remembering to breathe is the only option left for me.

Today as I practiced I kept on repeating the mantra : everything is already ok. I have been trying so hard to create order in this chaos that I began to go a little crazy. I began to forget to breathe and instead cursed our things, cursed the move and wished it were over. But all I have is now. All I can do is breathe and step by step get myself out of this growing pile of stuff. We have a day and a half left of living amongst boxes and bags, and then there will be a whole new kind of crazy. The process of getting our things out for storage and belgium will begin. And soon enough this will all be behind us.

For now, all I have is this moment and so I will get off of what is left of my couch and begin making sense of all of this chaos, one step at a time, one breath at a time.

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