Living yoga in a military wife's life

Finding peace in chaos

Preparing for my second farewell to Canada – this time with a bit more gratitude

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The last time I left canada to live in another country (about 10 years ago) I didn’t realize what I was leaving behind. I ended up moving to Greece and missing so much about Canada – endless supplies of water that doesn’t mysteriously shut off, the friendliness of Canadians always willing to give a helping hand, winter (yes I actually missed winter!) and so many other things. I felt sad then that I hadn’t realized what great of a country I had grown up in and how much of it’s comforts I took for granted.

I find myself, ten years later, leaving my beloved country once again. Having spent the last 1.5 weeks where I soon will be calling home, I’ve been enthralled by the beauty and newness of this land that I’ve forgotten about how wonderful Canada is. This morning we checked into our flight very early (our hotel is literally right next door) and as we turned to leave the line to check in our baggage we were confronted by other Canadians who politely moved over for us to pass with a smile on their face. Their friendliness reminded me how great canada is. I decided, instead of being sad and annoyed that we have to return back to pack instead of stay here and enjoy Europe, I should appreciate Canada because soon enough I will miss it so much.

I now find myself excited to return home and take in the beauty of Canada one more time before we head off to our new life. Winter will have probably begun in Saguenay and I’m excited to take the first breath of fresh air that will send a chill down into my lungs, and with it a promise of Christmas and cheer. I will miss that important aspect of Christmas – snow. I will appreciate the first real snow fall (if it comes in the next two weeks) and watch as the night sky is lit up with tiny (or big) dots of snow, lighting up the ground, giving the night life. I will sit and look with awe that first morning after a big snow fall and sit mesmerized at the beauty of the white earth, and hope no one ruins it with car tracks or shoe prints. I will find the beauty that is Canada, because while it is not Europe, Canada has it’s own kind of raw natural beauty that you only notice when you’ve left it behind. I will smile at people as I pass them by because I know in canada they will most likely smile back and two strangers will share a moment.

It’s staring to hit me, I won’t be living in Canada for awhile now. I will be in a new land, and while I love this place, it will take a while for it to become home. Before then I will have moments where I will want to be back in Canada with the mundane and the normal. So instead of knocking it down for being – normal or mundane – I will take it all in and appreciate every moment because soon enough it will be in my past.

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